wish I had the opportunity to work from home while I was working and raising my children. Looking back I really don’t know how I managed a full time job, softball games, Girl Scouts, swimming lessons, dance classes and so on. If you are reading this you know that there aren’t enough hours in a day to do all of these things and then have time to really enjoy your children.
In today’s society if you walk up to a woman and ask what is her career, if the answer is I’m a stay-at-home mom people might tend to look down on her, but if she is a working mom, they ask, how do you do it all? This happens to many women and it makes it harder for them to choose between their children and work.
The advantages for a stay-at-home mother are a tremendous feeling of fulfillment, the thought of being important and needed. The gratification she receives from knowing she is giving her children a strong moral foundation and a pleasure of giving as well as seeing her children grow, and being an integral part of their lives.
There are also conflicts for that stay-at-home mom. She may not have a sense of fulfillment, feeling her life is limited and she is trapped. She may also feel that being at home makes her lose her “self” and not having a high self-worth.
My children are grown and married now but I feel that I need to help other Christian Stay at Home Mothers and Grandmothers nurture the children who will change the world.
We are a group of Stay at Home Moms, Working Moms and WAHMs coming together for support and encouragement.
Please enjoy our website.