Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Think Women Talk About Everything? Think Again!!

Think Women Talk About Everything? Think Again!<br />

Age, weight or constipation -- which is a woman’s most closely guarded secret? According to the just released Dulcolax Taboo Topics Survey, women would rather reveal how many candles were on their last birthday cake or talk about their weight than discuss constipation.  

Mum’s the Word… Unfortunately

Surprisingly, women aren’t even comfortable discussing this common health problem with their health care professional. When asked whom they would confide in if they were constipated, only one in four women indicated they would tell their doctor. A similar percentage of women wouldn’t tell a soul. Surprisingly, women stated that experiencing and talking about constipation are equally uncomfortable. Although there are more difficult topics to discuss than constipation, one in three women still find it harder to talk to a pharmacist about constipation than a yeast infection.

Donnica Moore, MD (“Dr. Donnica”) is disheartened that women keep to themselves when it comes to constipation. “It’s surprising how few will confide in their doctor if they were experiencing this problem. It’s time to stop the silence,” she says.  “Knowledge is power. The more women talk about their constipation, the more they can find support for this common health problem and learn about how to relieve it.”

The Surprising Sacrifices Women Would Make to Avoid Constipation

Women want to steer clear of constipation and seem willing to make sacrifices to ensure that they’d never again be constipated. Close to half of those surveyed said they would give up chocolate for three months and more than four in ten women would be willing to forgo wearing makeup for a month to avoid this problem.  

So, What Can They Do?

Dr. Donnica encourages women to break the silence and start discussing the problem.  “It’s time to get the conversation started,” she says. “No one should feel embarrassed to talk about constipation -- especially not with their doctors. Women should feel comfortable and confident knowing that using an over-the-counter laxative like Dulcolax is a safe and effective way to get relief.”

For more information about constipation, visit

Courtesy of ARAcontent