Boomer Advice for the Golden Years
As you enter your golden years, you may find yourself giving advice to your children and grandchildren. However, you may also find yourself seeking some advice of your own! Use these tips to help you enjoy your life, and gain the most that it has to offer.
You Have Essential Skills – Pass Them On! : Modern young adults and teenagers are often raised without essential housekeeping, cooking, sewing, and woodworking skills. You were taught them, and may even take them for granted. Take the time to teach these skills to your children and grandchildren. Don’t take these skills for granted – they’re essential! Use them to build a legacy that will continue long after you’re gone.
Ask for Help When You Need It: Your generation was raised to be independent, often to a fault. Remember that you are getting older, and may not be able to do all the things you once could. If you need help with tasks like carrying in groceries or chopping wood, be sure to ask for help. If you are raising your grandchildren, be sure to get a babysitter occasionally and take some time out for yourself. Remember, even God took a day to rest!
Take Time For Yourself: High stress levels lead to poor health. Take time out for yourself to garden, read a magazine, take a relaxing bath, or work on a craft project. This time with yourself is a luxury, but it is also an investment in your health and emotional well being. Spend some time with yourself today – you may be surprised at how much you enjoy your own company!
Enjoy the Moment! These truly are your golden years, so take time to enjoy every moment. Savor the laughter of your grandchildren, the dew on your roses, and the smell of chicken soup on the stove. You’ve worked your whole life to get to where you are now – be sure to stop every now and then and enjoy it!
These tips will increase the value and quality of your day-to-day life, if you take the time to implement them. Remember to build a legacy, ask for help when needed, take time for yourself, and stop to enjoy the moment. You’ll dramatically improve the quality of your life by doing so, and find yourself savoring every enjoyable moment, instead of frantically rushing from task to task. Invest the time to live your life fully – you deserve it!
Marcia Chumbley is a work at home mom and grandmother in Minnesota. She is the owner of a Christian Work From Home Moms and Grandparents web site at http://www.faithfulgrannies.com. Bringing generations of Christian Work From Home Moms, Grandmothers, Parents, Boomers and Families together while providing resources, inspiration and affordable advertising while balancing the work at home experience.
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